User accounts

A "user account" refers to a unique user created in Movebank by an individual or institution and associated with an email address. Accounts are free of charge, and registered users gain access to all of Movebank's advanced functions such as creating studies and uploading data, setting up live feeds, filtering data, Env-DATA annotation, and requesting and being granted access to other users' non-public studies.

A user account is not required to use Movebank. Unregistered site visitors can browse studies, view tracks and download data for studies to which the Public has been granted access by the data owners.

Note that user accounts are not equivalent to studies in Movebank. Rather, studies are containers for data associated with accounts, as created and maintained by the account owners. Users can manage multiple studies with a single account, and studies can be associated with multiple accounts.

In accessing the site, all users agree to abide by Movebank's Data Policy. Our Privacy Policy provides further information about how data are collected and used when you visit or register on Movebank. Registered users who are data owners should periodically review their contact information in the profile editor to ensure it is up to date.

Read more about how to manage your account and our notifications system for delivering important information about site updates and data management to registered users through Movebank and via email.

User accounts

Manage accounts
